Welcome back to Term 4
It is hard to believe we are heading towards the end of the year together. Term 4 is a busy term with lots to remember. Please continue to check the blog for updates for events and new information.
HATS: Term 4 is a hat term. Please ensure your child comes with a NAMED navy cap or hat for the term. We discourage the sharing of hats for hygiene reasons. Children that do not have a hat are required to sit under the shade sails during all breaks. We recommend you apply sunscreen before school.
We will continue Friday assemblies 2:30 pm. These are scheduled at this stage for Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8. Please see the blog timetables for details on when your child’s class will be hosting.
Library times - Fridays
Pūkeko 17 - 10.50am Pūkeko 18 - 11.20am Pūkeko 16 - 11.50am Pūkeko 15 - 12.20pm
Our maths and literacy programs will continue as per Term 1, 2 and 3. To ensure children’s needs continue to be met your child may have a new teacher for these subjects this term. Please feel free to introduce yourself.
Our weekly P.E sessions will shift focus as we prepare for our Run, Jump, Throw event later this term. We anticipate swimming beginning around Show Weekend.
Home Learning
We expect regular reading will continue at home. There are links on the blog to word study and maths activities for those who would like to do something extra.
Special Events
We are planning the following trips this term.
- ● Malvern Park - Week 3, Wednesday 30 October - the Pūkeko kahui will be walking down to Malvern Park. We are going to observe what we can see in our neighbourhood and gain inspiration for some writing. We plan to leave school after morning tea (10.50am) and return in time for lunch (12.45pm). If you are available to be a parent supervisor for this please let us know by email or by letting your child’s homebase teacher know.
- ● Run, Jump, Throw - Week 5, Tuesday 12 November. Times to be confirmed.
● Big Day In - ‘Top Team’ Week 8, Tuesday 3 December. We will be asking for parent helpers closer to the time. This is a surprise for the children.
We will forward more details as soon as they are confirmed. As always we rely on parent helpers to enable us to give your children these experiences. We really appreciate the support and help you give.
Health and Wellbeing
Head lice - Please be vigilant with checking your child’s hair and continue treatment when required.
At this time of year many children may find, on occasion that relationships with their friends are becoming challenging. We focus on children being kinder than they need to be and talk through how children can manage these conflicts.
Before 8.30am
We ask that no students arrive at school before 8.15am and that all children and whānau gather in the areas of the blue and green Astroturf courts before 8.30am. Children are welcome to play and enjoy themselves, however, we ask that they do not enter the hubs until the music sounds at 8.30am. We also ask them to stay off the adventure playgrounds as no active supervision is in place at this time. We appreciate your support in this matter, as it ensures the teachers have uninterrupted time to prepare for the busy day ahead.
Whiteboard pens - We are getting desperate! We have very few of these left. They are an essential tool in our daily learning. We would really appreciate each child brings a new pen to add to our collection.
We also require some more tissues - please bring in a box to your homebase.
These continue to be the cause of angst amongst the children during breaks and can be a distraction during learning times. We would like your support in ensuring these stay at home please. The Weetbix rugby cards have become a real issue. These need to stay at home.
Blog/ App
Please check the blog regularly to see what has been happening inside the classroom and for upcoming events.
Do you have the school app on your phone? This will keep you up to date with daily events at school. You can download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
We will forward more details as soon as they are confirmed. As always we rely on parent helpers to enable us to give your children these experiences. We really appreciate the support and help you give.
Health and Wellbeing
Head lice - Please be vigilant with checking your child’s hair and continue treatment when required.
At this time of year many children may find, on occasion that relationships with their friends are becoming challenging. We focus on children being kinder than they need to be and talk through how children can manage these conflicts.
Before 8.30am
We ask that no students arrive at school before 8.15am and that all children and whānau gather in the areas of the blue and green Astroturf courts before 8.30am. Children are welcome to play and enjoy themselves, however, we ask that they do not enter the hubs until the music sounds at 8.30am. We also ask them to stay off the adventure playgrounds as no active supervision is in place at this time. We appreciate your support in this matter, as it ensures the teachers have uninterrupted time to prepare for the busy day ahead.
Whiteboard pens - We are getting desperate! We have very few of these left. They are an essential tool in our daily learning. We would really appreciate each child brings a new pen to add to our collection.
We also require some more tissues - please bring in a box to your homebase.
These continue to be the cause of angst amongst the children during breaks and can be a distraction during learning times. We would like your support in ensuring these stay at home please. The Weetbix rugby cards have become a real issue. These need to stay at home.
Blog/ App
Please check the blog regularly to see what has been happening inside the classroom and for upcoming events.
Do you have the school app on your phone? This will keep you up to date with daily events at school. You can download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
As many of you may know, Vicky is taking leave in Term 4 to await the arrival of her baby. We are pleased to advise that Ros Tippen will take over from her in Pūkeko 17 at this time, we anticipate this will be Week 6 of the term. Tina Norton will be teaching in Pūkeko 15 on Fridays when this occurs.
We are looking forward to sharing the remainder of the year with your children.
Nā mihi nui
Kirsty, Marisa, Paul, Ros, Tina, Monika, Sharon and Vicky
Welcome back Pūkekos!
Term program
Maths - this program, will continue on from last term, with a large focus on number. Don’t forget the dice games on the blog and basic facts practise cards, these will reinforce the number knowledge and strategies they are learning in the classroom.
Reading - the children will begin reading again this week.
(Your child’s teacher may have changed for these two learning areas - check in with them this week!)
Writing - children will remain in their home bases. Our focus remains on using their sound/ letter knowledge to build words, sharing their ideas and experiences, and making their writing sound more interesting by adding detail.
Fitness and PE - We will continue skipping, elastics and mindfulness during our fitness times. Folk dancing and gymnastics will be our PE focus this term.
Our weekly rotations will continue offering science, ICT, problem solving and dance.
Inquiry - Our Stories Matter: Kindness begins with me.
We are embarking on a new part of our inquiry this term. Our major focus is to help students develop an understanding of what kindness means to them and others, and to provide some strategies to support them develop; positive relationships with their peers, whānau and other adults. We are developing a booklet for students to bring home to enable them to share their learnings’ from school, and for you to share some of your expectations from home.
Special Events
Week 2 - Wednesday 31 July School photos
Week 3 - Thursday 8 August visit to the School of Gymnastics (please let your homebase teacher know if you can assist as a helper)
Week 6 - Book Fair Week.
Tuesday 27 August - Poetry finals
Wednesday 28 August - Book Character Day
Week 7 - Cultural Awareness Week
Week 8 - Court Theatre to visit St Albans
Week 10 - Celebration assembly
Poetry competition
We will be holding our homebase finals in Week 6. Every child is expected to share a poem with their homebase and then the finalists will present to a wider audience. Please help your child to select a suitable poem. We will be asking all children to share what they have chosen by the end of Week 2. There will be opportunities to practise and get feedback at school however we expect most of this will be done at home. There is a page on our blog dedicated just to the poetry competition with lots of useful information, including the rubric.
Health and Wellbeing
Just a reminder we have a number of children with tree nut allergies. Please keep these children safe by ensuring we are a NUT FREE zone in Pūkeko.
Absences must be advised to the school office but it is always nice to hear from you directly if your child is going to be absent.
Head lice are present in the hub. Please ensure you are checking your child’s head regularly and treated immediately if present.
No hats are required this term. The weather is very cold on these winter mornings. Please ensure any additional clothing worn is in keeping with the rest of the uniform, ie. black, navy or white. For those children that wear gumboots it is a good idea for them to bring slippers or shoes to put on in the classroom.
Pūkeko assemblies will continue to be held on Fridays at 2:30pm, in Week 2, 4, 6 and 8. During these assemblies our focus is coming together to celebrate our learning. You can expect to see what some of the children have been doing and hear some amazing singing. We will email parents on Thursday evening if children are receiving a certificate.
Week 2 - Pūkeko 17
Week 4 - Pūkeko 18
Week 6 - Pūkeko 15
Week 8 - Pūkeko 16
Week 10 - Folk Dancing Assembly
Home Learning
We expect regular reading will continue at home. There are links on the blog to word study and maths activities for those who would like to do something extra.
Blog/ App
Please check the blog regularly to see what has been happening inside the classroom. You will find lots of information about what is happening in Pūkeko on this site. If we have new, urgent or changes in information we will email you directly or send a notice home. Please check reading folders regularly...just in case.
Ngā mihi nui
Kirsty, Marisa, Paul, Ros, Tina and Vicky
Term 2
Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed the Easter break. It is great to see the children refreshed and ready to go for another fantastic term!
Term program
Maths - this program will continue on from last term focusing on number. Don’t forget the dice games on the blog and basic facts practise cards, these will reinforce the number knowledge and strategies they are learning in the classroom.
Writing - children will remain in their home bases. Our focus remains on using their sound/ letter knowledge to build words, sharing their ideas and experiences, and making their writing sound more interesting by adding detail.
Reading - the children will begin reading again this week. In order to best meet the needs of our readers they may have been regrouped and could be reading with another Pūkeko teacher. Check in with your child this week and see who their new reading teacher is.
Fitness and PE - once we have finished training for the Cross Country we will be focusing on ball skills. We will continue skipping, elastics and mindfulness during our fitness times.
Throughout the term your child will have the opportunity to experience science, dance, music, computational thinking and drama during our weekly rotations.
Special Events
Week 2 - Tuesday 7 May Cross Country (Junior Times 1055 hrs - 1145 hrs), see the blog for more details.
Week 3 - Travis County Wetlands - exploring the wetlands and learning more about the habitat of the Pūkeko.
Pūkeko 18 - Wednesday 15 May 0900- 1230 hrs
Pūkeko 17 - Wednesday 15 May 1130 - 1500 hrs
Pūkeko 16 - Thursday 16 May 0900 - 1230 hrs
Pūkeko 15 - Thursday 16 May 1130 - 1500 hrs
Week 6 - Christchurch Art Gallery - visit the art gallery and have the opportunity to make your own art.
Pūkeko 15 - Wednesday 5 June 0900- 1230 hrs
Pūkeko 16 - Wednesday 5 June 1130 - 1500 hrs
Pūkeko 17 - Thursday 6 June 0900- 1230 hrs
Pūkeko 18 - Thursday 6 June 1130 - 1500 hrs
We require parent helpers for the Travis County and the Art Gallery trips. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are able to come with us and help supervise, without your help we are unable to take these trips.
- - Maths-a-thon. Keep an eye out for more details on this awesome fundraiser.
Week 10 - Parent-teacher conferences. Booking details will be advised via the school newsletter later this term.
Health and Wellbeing
Just a reminder we have a number of children with tree nut allergies. Please keep these children safe by ensuring we are a NUT FREE zone in Pūkeko.
Absences must be advised to the school office but it is always nice to hear from you directly if your child is going to be absent.
With the arrival of the sniffle season we would appreciate a box of tissues being sent to school with your child.
No hats are required this term. As the weather turns cooler please ensure any additional clothing worn is in keeping with the rest of the uniform, ie. black, navy or white. For those children that wear gumboots it is a good idea for them to bring slippers or shoes to put on in the classroom.
Pūkeko assemblies will be held on Friday’s at 2:30pm, in Week 4, 6, 8 and 10. During these assemblies our focus is coming together to celebrate our learning. You can expect to see what some of the children have been doing and hear some amazing singing. We will email parents on Thursday evening if children are receiving a certificate.
Week 4 - Pūkeko 16
Week 6 - Pūkeko 17
Week 8 - Pūkeko 18
Week 10 - Pūkeko15
Home Learning
We expect regular reading will continue at home. There are links on the blog to word study and maths activities for those who would like to do something extra.
Blog/ App
Please check the blog regularly to see what has been happening inside the classroom. You will find lots of information about what is happening in Pūkeko on this site. If we have new, urgent or changes in information we will email you directly or send a notice home. Please check reading folders regularly...just in case.
Ngā mihi nui
Kirsty, Marisa, Paul, Ros, Tina, Vicky, Sharon and Monika
*Next Practice- Wednesday 6 March
THURSDAY 7 MARCH, 11:30 am
Postponement date-MONDAY 11th March 10:30 am
Our ‘TRY-ATHLON’ is made up of three events- swimming, scooting, running. Each homebase will participate and will be divided into 3 event teams by the teacher and children. The children will participate in a relay format with a transition runner connecting the events.
Please note: This event is focused on team participation and all children are encouraged to try their best. There are no places recorded in this event.
1st event- Swimming: We will begin down at the school pool for the swim. The first
group will begin their relay by swimming two lengths of the pool- kicking on stomach with a float board or walking as required.
2nd event- Scooting: The second group will begin their scooter relay on the asphalt area between the blue courts and the field.
3rd event- Running: The third group will begin their running relay on the field.
Welcome to Pūkeko 2019!
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your children. It was wonderful to meet
many of you during our Getting Connected Meetings last week. Get a cuppa there is a
lot to take in!
many of you during our Getting Connected Meetings last week. Get a cuppa there is a
lot to take in!
Getting to know us:
Kia ora,
My name is Paul Page. I am the teacher in Pūkeko 15 with Ros Tippen who will be teaching on Fridays.
We are looking forward to getting to know you all in the coming weeks.
We are looking forward to getting to know you all in the coming weeks.
My wife Martina and I have 3 children, Ben, Ivanna and Malia. They are all big kids now. We have 2 pets;
Sniggles the cat and Luna the dog. The thing I like to do best is have adventures big and small! I can't wait
to hear about your adventures too.
Sniggles the cat and Luna the dog. The thing I like to do best is have adventures big and small! I can't wait
to hear about your adventures too.
Kia kaha.
Kia ora
My name is Ros (Rosina) Tippen and I am lucky enough to be a part time teacher in the Pūkeko Hub.
I will be teaching the tamariki in Pūkeko 15 every Friday and every second Tuesday for Marisa in Pūkeko 18
for her Team Leader release. I also teach in the Kāhu hub every Thursday.
I will be teaching the tamariki in Pūkeko 15 every Friday and every second Tuesday for Marisa in Pūkeko 18
for her Team Leader release. I also teach in the Kāhu hub every Thursday.
I have two wonderful children, Olivia, 15 and Sam who is 12. My husband is Matt and we have a crazy,
busy (but cute!) Labradoodle puppy called Milly!
busy (but cute!) Labradoodle puppy called Milly!
I am looking forward to meeting with you and getting to know your wonderful children throughout the year.
Kia ora
My name is Marisa Spear. I am the Pūkeko Team Leader and teacher in Pūkeko 18.
My husband Cam and I have 3 children, Bella 14, Phoebe 12 and Millie 11. We spend most of
our spare time following their passions for cricket, rowing and hockey.
our spare time following their passions for cricket, rowing and hockey.
I am so excited about our year together, and look forward to getting to know your children.
Ngā mihi
Kia Ora.
My name is Vicky Atkinson. I am one of the Teachers in Pūkeko. I am originally from England
where I lived and taught before moving to New Zealand (for some much needed warmer weather).
I have a wonderful partner called George, who has a beautiful little girl Caitlin (8). We enjoy going
swimming, fishing and just having lots of fun! I am very excited about the year ahead and seeing
familiar and getting to know new faces!
where I lived and taught before moving to New Zealand (for some much needed warmer weather).
I have a wonderful partner called George, who has a beautiful little girl Caitlin (8). We enjoy going
swimming, fishing and just having lots of fun! I am very excited about the year ahead and seeing
familiar and getting to know new faces!
Hi, I am Sharon. I am a mum of 4 boys all who have been through St Albans. I have been a
teaching assistant at St Albans for 16 years. I am looking forward to working in Pūkeko 17 & 18
again this year.
teaching assistant at St Albans for 16 years. I am looking forward to working in Pūkeko 17 & 18
again this year.
Kia ora, my name is Kirsty Ford and I’m one of the teachers in Pūkeko 16. I work Thursday’s
and Friday’s. My husband Aaron and I have two boys, Charlie 4 and Bodie 2. We have an old
black labrador called Maddie who snores really loud! It’s an exciting year for us as Charlie
starts school at the end of term 1! I hope everyone is as excited about this year as I am.
and Friday’s. My husband Aaron and I have two boys, Charlie 4 and Bodie 2. We have an old
black labrador called Maddie who snores really loud! It’s an exciting year for us as Charlie
starts school at the end of term 1! I hope everyone is as excited about this year as I am.
Kia ora,
My name is Tina Norton and I teach in Pūkeko 16 with Kirsty Ford. I teach Monday to Wednesday.
My husband Paul and I have four children. I have two lovely step children, Josh 23 and Emily 21.
Our Grace is 13 and our youngest, Lily is 10. We have a cool, crazy dog called Charlie who
makes us smile every day. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you and your child and
being part of their learning journey.
My husband Paul and I have four children. I have two lovely step children, Josh 23 and Emily 21.
Our Grace is 13 and our youngest, Lily is 10. We have a cool, crazy dog called Charlie who
makes us smile every day. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you and your child and
being part of their learning journey.
Starting the year
We will begin our year getting to know each other in our own classes. This time will be spent
setting routines and expectations.
setting routines and expectations.
As the children transition through the school we aim to develop a stronger ability to manage
themselves. In Pūkeko this year we encourage children to take on the responsibility of carrying,
packing and unpacking their bags. We will attempt to challenge children to stretch themselves
and build resilience as a learner in a safe and caring environment. Clearly some children may
find this more challenging than others and we hope to work with you to help build strong growth
and build resilience as a learner in a safe and caring environment. Clearly some children may
find this more challenging than others and we hope to work with you to help build strong growth
Please ensure your child knows they are required to wait on the astroturf until the 8:30 bell
signals the opening of school.
signals the opening of school.
Term program
Our year theme will be ‘Our Stories Matter’. To begin this we have a ‘getting to know me’
activity that will come home. Please help your child by selecting some items to share that reflect
them and allows us to learn something new about them.
activity that will come home. Please help your child by selecting some items to share that reflect
them and allows us to learn something new about them.
Reading books will begin to come home soon and maths will get underway. As the term continues
you may find your child moves to another teacher for one of these learning areas as we begin
to group children to meet their specific needs. Writing will continue to take place in your child’s
own class.
to group children to meet their specific needs. Writing will continue to take place in your child’s
own class.
Throughout the year your child will have the opportunity to experience science, dance, music,
computational thinking, PE. and art across the Pūkeko kahui. If you have a particular area of
computational thinking, PE. and art across the Pūkeko kahui. If you have a particular area of
expertise you think you can help with, please let us know.
Health and Wellbeing
We have a number of children with tree nut allergies. Please keep these children safe by
ensuring we are a NUT FREE zone in Pūkeko.
Absences must be advised to the school office but it is always nice to hear from you directly
if your child is going to be absent.
We will begin with this week. The timetable for classes is on the kahui blog. Please ensure all
clothing is named - including underwear. We aim to build confidence in the water and basic water skills.
clothing is named - including underwear. We aim to build confidence in the water and basic water skills.
Aquagym lessons will take place at school again this year in week 5 (25 February-1 March).
More information on this to come.
More information on this to come.
Term 1 and 4 are compulsory hat terms. Please make sure your child has a named hat every day.
Sunblock is advised.
Sunblock is advised.
Pūkeko assemblies will be held in Week 4, 6, 8 and 10. During these assemblies our focus is
coming together to celebrate our learning. You can expect to see what some of the children have
been doing and hear some amazing singing. We will email parents on Thursday evening if children
are receiving a certificate.
coming together to celebrate our learning. You can expect to see what some of the children have
been doing and hear some amazing singing. We will email parents on Thursday evening if children
are receiving a certificate.
Week 4 - Pūkeko 16
Week 6 - Pūkeko 17
Week 8 - Pūkeko 18
Week 10 - Pūkeko15
Home Learning
We expect regular reading will continue at home. There are links on the blog to word study and
maths activities for those who would like to do something extra.
maths activities for those who would like to do something extra.
We know children like to bring toys to play with at school however these can cause issues in
he playground or become lost and damaged. Some toys being brought to school, such as those
he playground or become lost and damaged. Some toys being brought to school, such as those
that simulate weapons, are not suitable and should not come to school. Please assist by making
your child aware we would prefer toys remain at home but if children choose to bring them to
school, they are responsible for them.
Friendship List
As children explore new friendships you may want to organise playdates outside of school. We
would like to share a list of contact details to help enable this. Please email your class teacher
by Friday 8 February to give express permission for your contact details to be shared. We will
be sharing this list by email with those on the list.
Blog/ App
Please check the blog regularly to see what has been happening inside the classroom.
You will find lots of information about what is happening in Pūkeko on this site. If we have new, urgent or changes in information we will email you directly or send a notice home.
Please check reading folders regularly...just in case.
Do you have the school app on your phone? This will keep you up to date with daily events at
school. You can download from Apple Store or Google Play.
We look forward to a fabulous year together.
Ngā mihi nui
Kirsty, Marisa, Paul, Ros, Tina, Vicky, Sharon and Monika
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